Chi Chapter Huntington

Our Mission
The object of this organization shall be to bring women into close, unselfish relationship for the promotion of charity, culture and education.
Our Purpose
Each Active Tri Kappa annually includes works promoting charity, culture, and education. This work incorporates moneymaking projects and community volunteer efforts.
As an "invitation only" sorority, a potential member is invited by an active sister in the local chapter. A Pledge is allowed into our Tri Kappa sorority by a secret ballot vote.
Serving Huntington County, Indiana allows us to focus on our hometown and assist in volunteer projects, fundraising efforts, and much more!
We're Here
Share your interest in our Organization!
As Tri Kappa hosts many events that raise money for our community, our largest and arguably our most rewarding effort was Follies; a themed variety show, written, directed, and performed by Huntington County residents - former and current! While the Follies has since retired, we host other events throughout the year such as the Housewalk. Reach out, get involved, and reap the rewards of having fun while raising money for our beloved community!

Support Us
Every year, we're able to host entertaining events for you, your friends, and your family. Those events raise money for organizations in Huntington County that support our core values of Charity, Culture, and Education. If you're interested in sponsoring or donating to these events, please don't hesitate to reach out!